
Two research approaches qualitative and quantitative are used for the project, which provide multiple benefits in term of study comprehension, validation enhancement, and richer data.
The instruments that are used for collecting data from the higher education, national sport federations, and the public are as follows:

  • Quantitative Approach: We have created online questionnaires in both English and Arabic using Google Forms. These questionnaires are distributed through email to sports clubs, federations, and higher education institutions. For the general public, we are making the questionnaire available online to be answered both during and after matches at the event site.
    Qatar Olympic Academy is our hub to send the questionnaire for the sport clubs.
  • Qualitative: We are conducting in-depth interviews, with senior managers and deans from higher education institutions. Additionally, 10-15 interviews are conducted with officials from national and international federations and members of the organizing committee during the event.